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 » Spark gap (0696)


Foto 1


Exhibit 696 is a spark gap consisting of a wood rectangular base on which are mounted two glass columns with metal tops in which are located holes in which rest two brass rods. Each rod has a brass sphere at one end and is bent into a ring on the other. The rods can slide through the holes in the column tops to vary the distance between the small spheres. When the rings are attached to the plates of a charged condenser one can observe sparks between the spheres depending on the potential difference of the condenser and the distance between the spheres.(see ref 1)

At a constant difference of potential, the distance at which sparks appear is called the electrical breakdown distance. Analogously per a fixed separation, the difference of potential at which sparks appear is the breakdown potential. A central part is missing which could have been a support for some substance to expose to the electrical action such as gun powder.

This instrument is similar to that of William Henley


  1. Sulla base di legno: 817


  • [1] Eligio Perucca,"Fisica Generale e Sperimentale", volume secondo, UTET, Torino, 1937. Pag.856.
  • [2] Oreste Murani,"Trattato Elementare di Fisica", volume secondo, Ulrico Hoepli Milano, 1931. Pag.439

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:XIX Secolo
Data di carico:anteriore al 1874
Nr. Inventario:817 (Generale dal 1874)
Materiale:ottone, legno, vetro
Dimensioni:Base: 250 mm x 80 mm x 30 mm;
Altezza complessiva: 200 mm;
Lunghezza delle aste con sfere: 150 mm
Conservazione:cattivo (Una delle due aste è leggermente storta.
Manca un supporto centrale.