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Museo di Fisica

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 » Leyda Jar Set (0593)


Foto 1


Exhibit 593 is a set of Leiden jars, six identical jars in a wood box with the bottom covered with tinfoil in order to put in contact all the external surfaces of the bottles with the external terminal on the box front. Each bottle consists of a closed glass cylinder with the upper part painted red and the lower part covered with tinfoil. In each bottle a brass rod serves as electrode terminating externally with a small sphere (here missing) and passing through an insulating tap at the neck. All the bottles can be charged one by one with an electrostatic machine to provide a condenser corresponding to the sum of their capacitances and thus a very strong discharge.


  • [1] Atkinson & Reinold, "Ganot's Physics", Longmans Green, and Co., 1932, §790, pag. 793.
  • [2] Fleury, Mathieu, "Elettrostatica, Corrente continua, Magnetismo", Zanichelli, §5.3, Pag.110.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1873-05-30
Nr. Inventario:766 (Generale dal 1874)
658 (Antico inv. Gabinetto Fis)
Costruttore:Costruttore sconosciuto
Materiale:legno, vetro, stagno
Dimensioni:Scatola di Legno: 51 cm x 35 cm x 17 cm;
Diametro di base di ogni bottiglia: 13 cm;
Altezza complessiva: 32 cm
Conservazione:buono (
  1. Mancano le 6 sfere di ottone.