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 » Quadrant Electrometer (0580)


Foto 1


Exhibit 580 is a quadrant electrometer enclosed in a wood case with sides of glass on a base containing 4 leveling screws. On the upper surface made of hard rubber there are four brass columns with terminal screws. Opposite terminals are connected by jumper wires according to the scheme illustrated in exhibit 23. Below the quadrants section there is visible the mirror whose rotation causes the reflections intrinsic in the Poggendorf method of readout.(exhibit 371). The theory of operation is explained in exhibit 23.


Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:Ignota
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Ignoto)
Costruttore:F. Miller
Materiale:legno, vetro, metallo, ebanite, ottone, mercurio
Dimensioni:Altezza complessiva: 90 cm;
Cassetta: 33 cm x 26 cm x 31 cm;
Lunghezza del tubo di vetro: 60 cm
Conservazione:buono (La vernice dello specchietto è un po' sbrecciata)