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 » Gambey magnetic Inclination Compass (0566)


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The Gambey inclination compass permits determining the magnetic inclination, the angle between the horizon and the earth's magnetic field, when in the plane of a magnetic meridian. To determine the magnetic meridian, the instrument is turned on the horizontal circle until the magnetic needle is vertical which means that the vertical circle is nornal to the magnetic meridian. Then the vertical circle is turned through 90° to be aligned with the magnetic field. Then the magnetic needle assumes the inclination angle which can be read using the average of the two verniers.

The instrument is mounted on three legs that can be adjusted until the bubble level indicates planarity. The final orientation of the vertical circle can be read on the horizontal circle graduated in degrees with a 30 interval vernier to yield the measurement to the nearest 2-minute precision.


  1. Gambey a Paris

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:Inizio XIX Secolo
Data di carico:1835-05-25
Nr. Inventario:906 (Generale dal 1874)
401 (Antico inv. Gabinetto Fis)
Costruttore:Henry Prudence Gambey
Materiale:ottone, ferro, legno, vetro
Dimensioni:34,5 cm x 25 cm x 40 cm
Conservazione:buono (manca l'ago magnetico)