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 » Four-tube Centrifuge (0336)


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Exhibit 336 is a centrifuge machine consisting of a heavy cast iron base supporting an iron column which can be rotated by a round belt running in a brass pulley located about 2/3 of the way to the top which ends in a horizontal disk with 4 tube holders. In these tube holders which are free to rotate about horizontal axes there are still glass test tubes. The upper part of the instrument consists of a cylindrical iron shield having a diameter greater than the extension of the tube holders in the horizontal position they assume when the column is spinning very fast.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1916-04-10
Nr. Inventario:328 Cons. (Consorzio Univ. di Torino)
Costruttore:Costruttore sconosciuto
Materiale:ghisa, ferro, ottone, vetro
Dimensioni:Diametro: 27,5 cm;
Altezza: 39 cm
Conservazione:buono (Manca l'apparato per far ruotare la centrifuga)