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 » Compass Galvanometer (0318)


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Exhibit 318 is a galvanometer derived from a tangent compass. It consists of a coil of N turns mounted on a vertical circle that can be rotated within a horizontal circle until the coil is aligned with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field as indicated by a magnetic needle free to rotate on a pivet located in the center of the coil. When an known current I circulates in the coil of N turns and radius R the needle assumes a new equilibrium position determined by the magnetic field due to the superposition of the field due to the coil

Formula: [{\rm H^{'} = 2\pi\frac{NI}{R}}]. and that due to the earth's magnetic field at an angle α such that Formula: [{\rm H}^{'} \cos(\alpha) = {\rm H}\sin(\alpha)]. Knowing R, N, and the value of the earth's magnetic field, and measuring the angle α on the graduated horizontal circle, one derives

Equazione: [{\rm I = \frac{HR\tan(\alpha)}{2\pi\, N}}]

The instrument is conserved in a wood chest which contains also a spare magnetic needle, spare pivot and a small coil with four terminals.


  1. Sul quadrante di ottone è inciso il nome del costruttora (Siemens - Halske). Più sotto "Berlin" e "N.1473"

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1894-01-15
Nr. Inventario:Cons. 151 (Consorzio Univ. di Torino)
Costruttore:Siemens & Halske
Materiale:acciaio, ferro, ottone, vetro, legno
Dimensioni:Misure della cassetta: 25,3 cm x 25,3 cm x 18,5 cm
Diametro del galvanometro: 20 cm
Conservazione:buono (Le parti in acciaio sono macchiate ma il goniometro è ancora leggibile)