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 » Three-phase rotating field (0010)


Foto 1


A rotating magnetic field is a magnetic field normally realized by two or more magnetic field generating current sources that due to there variations in time (differences of phase) give the impression of a rotating field by superposing their respective varying field contributions. The variations in time are parametrized by the phase differences followed by the two or more sources. The most famous rotating field is that due to three sources with phases differences of 120 degrees as found in a common three-phase induction motor, invented around 1895 by Galileo Ferraris (1847-1897). The simplest rotating field is realized by two currents that vary with phase difference of 90 degrees.

The instrument illustrated has three coils that create with a three-phase current source a rotating field like that invented by Galileo Ferraris. The action of this field induces currents in the flat disk which interacting with the rotating field causes the disk to rotate.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1939-02-02
Nr. Inventario:4903 (Generale dal 1874)
Materiale:legno, rame, ottone
Dimensioni:Diametro della spira: 16 cm;
Altezza complessiva: 19 cm
Conservazione:buono (il sostegno è incrinato)