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Museo di Fisica

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 » Rheostat (0919)


Disegno 1
Disegno 2
Foto 1


Exhibit 919 is a rheostat, composed of a metal wire wound on an empty ceramic parallelepiped. The ends of the wire are attached to terminals T1 e T2. There is a cursor that slides on the wire and is supported by a metal bar attached to terminal T3. See design-1. A rheostat can be used either in series (design 2-a) or in parallel (design 2-b). See exhibit 111 for further details.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:Prima meta XX secolo
Data di carico:Ignota
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Ignoto)
Dimensioni:17 cm x 5 cm x 5,5 cm