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 » Flat coils of copper riband (0811)


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Immagine 1


Exhibit 811 is a three cm wide copper strip, covered by an insulating cloth and painted red, that has been wound in a spiral and held fixed with black metallic bands. There are connectors at the external and internal end of the spiral. These spiral were used by Joseph Henry (1797-1878) to demonstrate magnetic induction between successive flat spirals of differing dimensions (see figure 1). Henry was the first to demonstrate that the magnetic induction of the second spiral due to varying the current in the primary could be exploited to induce current in the third and successive coils placed one above the other.


Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:Inizo XIX Secolo
Data di carico:anteriore al 1874
Nr. Inventario:1027 (Generale dal 1874)
Dimensioni:Diametro esterno: 21 cm;
Diametro interno: 5,5 cm;
Altezza del nastro: 3 cm;
Numero di spire: circa 40