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 » Resistance Box (0732)


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Exhibit 732 is a resistance box with 20 selectable resistance coils made with costantan or manganin wire which has one of the lowest variations of resistance with temperature among metal alloys. Each coil can be inserted in the external circuit by extracting the key corresponding to the single coil.

When all the keys are inserted the total resistance of the box is negligible. In this case the resistances vary fromn 0.1 to 5000Ohm.


  1. Inciso fra gli spinotti sulla superficie superiore "Siemens & Halske - Berlin"
  2. Su una targhetta metallica avvitata sulla cassetta: "Neusilver - richtia bei 20°C"

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:Primi decenni XX secolo
Data di carico:Ignota
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Generale dal 1874)
Costruttore:SIEMENS & HALSKE
Materiale:legno, ottone, metallo
Dimensioni:420 mm x 150 mm x 170 mm