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 » sGravesande Ring (0066)


Foto 1
Foto 2


Exhibit 66 is a version of the ring of 'sGravesande used to demonstrate thermal expansion. It consists of a horizontal ring and a metal sphere, suspended by a chain through the ring, mounted on a stable wood base. Below the sphere is a small alcohol oven. In the usual demonstration, the sphere is lifted through the ring. Then the alcohol oven is ignited to heat the sphere. After a while the sphere can no longer be lifted through the ring because it has dilated due to the increase in temperature.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1835-05-25
Nr. Inventario:368 (Generale dal 1874)
220 (Antico inv. Gabinetto Fis)
Costruttore:Costruttore sconosciuto
Materiale:legno, metallo, ottone
Dimensioni:Altezza complessiva: 38 cm;
Diametro della sfera: 3 cm