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 » Wollaston Goniometer (0552)


Foto 1
Foto 2


Exhibit 552 is a protractor invented by Wollaston that is used to measure the dihedral angles of crystals. It is mounted on a heavy tripod having leveling screws. It is a protractor based on reflection: the angle measured was that between the normals to the faces of the crystal.

The instrument is composed of two parts: the crystal carrier and the protractor, a graduated vertical disk with a scale from 0 to 360° and with a precision of one minute  [2].


  1. Cauchoix di Parigi


Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:Primi decenni XIX secolo
Data di carico:1835-05-25
Nr. Inventario:517 (Generale dal 1874)
Costruttore:Cauchoix di Parigi
Dimensioni:diametro del goniometro: 22 cm;
altezza complessiva: 28 cm
Conservazione:cattivo (Manca la manopola per far ruotare il goniometro)