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 » Hartmann & Braun resistance box (0550)


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Exhibit 550 is a variable resistance box in which a known resistance is inserted into the involved circuit by removing the key associated with a given value. The values vary from 0.1 to 4000 Ohms arranged in five rows where each row has values 10 times the value of the preceding row.


  1. Inciso: "Hartmann & Braun A. G.¶
    Frankfurt A.M.¶
    N° 15747"
  2. Su un lato è scritto: "Charge: les resistences de ces rheostats peuvent supporter les intensites de courant indiquees ci-apres, sans qu'il en resulte pour elles aucune avarie ni aucun changement de valeur notable:
    |Résistance en ohms   |0,1-0,4|1-4 |10-40|100-400|1000-4000|10000-40000|  
    |Intensité  max.      |  1,5  |0,8 |0,25 | 0,08  |  0,03   |   0,008   | 
    |admissible en amperes|       |    |     |       |         |           |  
                                                    G.-A.N: 198f 100 1.27 H

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:sconosciuta
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Ignoto)
Costruttore:Hartmann & Braun A. G.
Materiale:ottone, legno, bakelite
Dimensioni:27,1 cm x 20 cm x 13,5 cm