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Museo di Fisica

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 » Lutz-Edelmann Electrometer (0525)


Foto 1
Foto 2


Exhibit 525 is an electrometer of the Lutz-Edelmann type which implies a wire in an auxiliary field.

The instrument consists internally of a wire and two steel electrodes disposed vertically between two insulating quartz disks placed above and below and supported by steel rods. The steel electrodes can be oriented to be parallel by micrometric screws. Externally the tension in the wire can be regulated by a micrometric screw above the top quartz disk where are located the terminals for the auxiliary field. The wire is illuminated by the light reflected by a mirror through the window opposite the position of the telescope holder in the external metallic case. At the same time this case serves as shield against external electric fields. The telescope contains an eyepiece with a Zeiss micrometer for determining the wire displacement.

See also exhibit 254


  1. Incisioni sul coperchio: "Edelmann¶
  2. Incisioni sull'oculare: "Carl Zeiss Jena¶
    Orthoskop Okular 28X"
  3. Incisioni sul cannocchiale (obbiettivo): A¶
    Carl Zeiss¶



  • [1] Franco Erdas, Giuseppe Baggiani, "Gli Strumenti del Museo di Fisica", Elettromagnetismo, Università di studi di Cagliari, Aprile, 1997. Pagine 45 e 107.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1931-01-09
Nr. Inventario:4486 (Generale dal 1874)
Materiale:metallo, vetro
Dimensioni:Altezza complessiva: 21 cm;
Lunghezza complessiva: 30 cm;
Diametro della base: 16 cm;
Custodia cilindrica: diametro 10 cm, altezza 12 cm
Conservazione:buono (Mancano il dispositivo di sospensione del filo, il filo e la pinzetta per cambiare il filo)