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Museo di Fisica

Logo Unito.

 » Communicating capillary jars (0524)


Disegno 1
Foto 1


Exhibit 524 consists of a glass realization of six communicating vessels on a single base. One of the vessels is large and serves as a reservoir for the other five that are of varying diameters. This device is used to demonstrate capillarity, very evident for diameters less than 2 mm. There are liquids (like water) which adhere to (or wet) the walls and others (like mercury) which adhere to themselves and leave the walls dry, See the figure.

Jurin's law states: The difference H between the level in a normal vessel and that in a capillary vessel connected together is inversely proportionalò to the capillary radius.

Equazione: [\rm H = \frac{2\tau}{\rho\,r}]

τ - is a surface tension constant whose value depends on the nature of the liquid (N/m);
ρ - is the density of the liqui (kg/m3);
r - is the radius of the capillary vessel (m).


  • [1] H. Miller, G. Oliveri; "Massa,energia e interazioni"; Volume unico, Casa Editrice Poseidonia, Bologna,1988. §12, Pagina 91.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:Ignoto
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Ignoto)
Costruttore:Costruttore sconosciuto
Dimensioni:Diametro della base: 10 cm;
Lunghezza complessiva: 19 cm;
Altezza: 21 cm;
Diametro del vaso grande (serbatoio): 2,5 cm