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 » Linke & Feussner Aktinometer (0454)


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Exhibit 454 is an actinometer intended to measure solar radiation in the same way as the instrument exhibit 418, the Amerio pyrheliometer, but more precisely so that it can be used to measure stellar or nocturnal radiation [1]. The usual measurement is the quantity of heat that arrives from the sun per unit time and unit area. The sensor is a thermoelectric battery, placed inside a metallic cylinder. The thermopile is a Moll [1] design compensated to eliminate the influence of external temperatures. To guarantee that the sun's rays arrive perpendicularly on the thermopile, there is a pointing device composed of a peephole and a target on the cylinder in the center of which a spot appears when the instrument is aligned. The cylinder is supported by a metal fork fixed onto a tripod with three screws for leveling according to the bubble level. There are two terminals for connecting to a dial or mirror galvanometer, according to the intensity of the radiation to be measured. Above the cylinder there is a thermometer with a range from 0°C to 45° C.


Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:fra il 1930 e il 1940
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Ignoto)
Costruttore:Kipp & Zonen
Materiale:metallo, vetro
Dimensioni:Base a treppiede triangolare equilatero, lato: 22 cm;
Altezza supporto: 22 cm;
Lunghezza cilindro: 15 cm;
Massimo diametro apertura: 8 cm