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Museo di Fisica

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 » Edelmann Galvanometer (0402)


Foto 1


Exhibit 402 is an Edelmann galvanometer based on a movable coil sospeso between two permanent magnets and connected above to a screw that can regulate the torsion and below to another that can regulate the tension. There is a mirror attached to the suspension wire for measuring the currents using the Poggendorff projection method (exhibit 371). The movable part is enclosed in a black brass cylinder with a glass window for reading the currents by the cited method. The entire apparatus is supported by a metal base with three adjustable screws for leveling.


  1. Sulla base è riportata una targhetta con il nome: "EDELMANN MÜNCHEN"

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1914-01-31
Nr. Inventario:3709 (Generale dal 1874)
Materiale:metallo, vetro
Dimensioni:Base di lato: 21 cm
cilindro:diametro 12 cm
altezza complessiva: 37cm
Conservazione:buono (La campana di vetro è rotta.)