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Museo di Fisica

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 » Double Electric Siren (0358)


Foto 1


Exhibit 358 is a double siren consisting of a single axis driven by an electric motor through a leather belt. The axis activates a double counter of its rotations. On the wood base where the elements are fixed, there is also a rheostat intended to control the rotational velocity of the motor.
This instrument was apparently a part of experiments on interference effects in sound. For greater details, one should consult the bibliographic literature.


  1. Max Kohl A.G. Chemnitz


Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1923-11-22
Nr. Inventario:4081 (Generale dal 1874)
Costruttore:Max Kohl A.G.
Materiale:ottone, ghisa, ferro, verniciato, legno
Dimensioni:base: 49,7 cm x 29,7 cm
altezza circa 54 cm
Conservazione:buono (manca il tubo per l'alimentazione delle sirene)