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 » Clark Battery (1900) (0267)


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Exhibit 267 is a Clark battery built in 1900 by Hartmann and Braun. It consists of a glass tube in the form of the letter H, with internal platinum wires extending from the bottom halves as terminals. This structure is contained in a metal cylinder which has a hole in the bottom and an enclosure for a thermometer in the top. The scheme of the battery is in figure 4.

The positive pole is pure mercury in contact with a mercury sulphate paste, which serves as depolarizer. The negative pole is an amalgam of zinc and mercury (90% Zn, 10% Hg), in contact with a solution of zinc sulphate. The electromotive force of this battery is 1,4326 volts at 15° C. and it varies with temperature according to the relation; EQ01: [ \rm E(t) = (1,434 - 0,0012(t-15)) ]. This instrument caries the date of 1900.


  1. Incisioni sulle etichette di ottone: 1900, Hartmann & Braun FRANKFURT A.M.
  2. Incisioni sul cilindro contenente il termometro: NORMALELEMENT N L.CLARK
  3. Scritte sul termometro: G.S. 108, 1899 e logo


Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:1900
Data di carico:ignota
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Ignoto)
Costruttore:Hartmann & Braun A. G.
Materiale:metallo, vetro
Dimensioni:Cilindro: altezza 11 cm, diametro 5,7 cm;
Contenitore termometro: altezza 8 cm, diametro 2 cm;
Fessura per termometro: altezza 5 cm; larghezza 1 cm
Conservazione:cattivo (La pila deve essere internamente rotta perchè dal foro in fondo esce della polvere)