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 » Oersted horizontal Apparatus (0164)


schema di funzionamento
Disegno 1
Esperimento di Oersted
Foto 1
Foto 2


Exhibit 164 is the horizontal Oersted apparatus used to show the effect of currents on a permanent magnet. It consists of two copper rods, one above and one below a pivot on which can be balanced a magnetic needle. There are three small cups for containing mercury as secure contacts. There are three experiments in the full demonstration which can be most clearly defined by associating polarities of the battery with the contact points, 1, 2 and 3. To start the magnetic needle is aligned with the earth's magnetic field as reference. In the first experiment we have 1+ and 2-, the induced magnetic field points into the paper and the needle orients to the new vector sum. In the second experiment we have 3+ and 2-, now the induced field points out of the paper in the vicinity of the magnetic needle which now inverts the effect of the first experiment. In the third experiment we have 1+ and 3- and current in the upper rod as in the first experiment and current in the lower rod inverted with respect to experiment two so now both induced contributions in the vicinity of the magnetic needle are into the paper and the deviation of the magnetic needle is roughly doubled.


  • [1] Ganot, " Physique", pag. 722

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1835-05-25
Nr. Inventario:385 (Antico inv. Gabinetto Fis)
950 (Generale dal 1874)
Costruttore:Costruttore sconosciuto
Materiale:metallo, rame, legno
Dimensioni:Altezza: 30 cm;
Larghezza: 20 cm;
Diametro della base: 9,5 cm
Conservazione:buono (manca l'ago magnetico)