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 » Volta Condenser Electroscope (0149)


Foto 1
Foto 2
Immagine 1


Exhibit 149 is a Volta condenser electroscope consisting of a vertical brass rod with two thin gold leaves attached to the bottom and a metallic plate to the top. A glass bell jar covered the bottom part to eliminate air currents and provided support for the top plate. The base provided a guide for placing the bell jar and curved indicators for recording the deflection of the gold leaves. These would be grounded to avoid disturbing the gold leaves which are aligned vertically when not charged. If charge is transferred to the top plate, the gold leaves diverge to an angle proportional to the electric charge which can be read on the ivory dial (from -25 to +25). There are two small spheres at the height of the leaves but beyond their reach which increase the capacity of the electroscope and thus its sensitivity.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1835-05-25
Nr. Inventario:747 (Generale dal 1874)
316 (Antico inv. Gabinetto Fis)
Materiale:ottone, legno
Dimensioni:286 mm x 286 mm x 200 mm (circa)
Conservazione:cattivo (Manca la campana di vetro con l'asta metallica cui erano appese le foglie d'oro e sul cui estremo esterno alla campana era posto il piatto del condensatore. )