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 » Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder (0140)


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Exhibit 140 is an heliograph designed to measure the period of the sun's illumination invented by Campbell and Stokes. It is based on a 10 cm diameter sphere that focuses the sun's rays onto a sheet of sensitive paper where the length of the blackened strip indicates the insolation period. The inferior limit of solar luminosity varies from 70 W/m2 (dry air) to 280 W/m2 (very humid air). A heliograph identical to this one is found in the inventory of the Palermo Astronomical Observatory dated 1890. In a note published in 1899 in the Proceedings of the Academy of Science of Turin, the results obtained with a heliograph, almost certainly this one, are presented.


  1. Reca inciso "Negretti & Zambra Londra"


Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:1890/1920
Data di carico:ignota, circa 1890
Nr. Inventario:Ignoto (Ignoto)
Costruttore:Negretti & Zambra
Materiale:vetro, ottone, pietra dura
Dimensioni:Diametro della sfera 100mm
Dimensioni della base: 225 mm x 225 mm x 40 mm
Conservazione:ottimo (Lo strumento è completo; l'angolo destro della base è leggermente scheggiato)