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 » Earth Inductor (0012)


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The Delezenne circle (also ascribed to Palmieri and Santi-Linari) consists of an open wooden ring on which is wound several turns of conducting copper wire. The wire is coated with insulating varnish to avoid short circuits and the end points are brought out to two conducting half cylinders which are intertwined so that the contacts with two vertical strips alternate with each half turn of the circle. The circle is mounted on a horizontal axis along its diameter and the circle can be turned by a crank on the horizontal axis.

Currents are induced in the coil if its rotation cuts some magnetic lines furnished by any magnetic source and the contacts with the end cylinders alternate so that the current detectable in a galvanometer is unidirectional, and thus rectified, even though the wave form is a succession of sinusoidal shapes.

This instrument is able to detect the earth\'s magnetic field if the horizontal axis of rotation is orthogonal to a meridian of the earth\'s field and if the galvanometer is very sensitive.

Dati Catalografici

Data di costruzione:---
Data di carico:1873-05-30
Nr. Inventario:1010 (Generale dal 1874)
656 (Antico inv. Gabinetto Fis)
Costruttore:Costruttore sconosciuto
Materiale:legno, ottone, rame, metallo
Dimensioni:Diametro del cerchio: 25 cm;
Dimensioni del supporto: 45 cm x 21 cm
Conservazione:buono (il disco è scheggiato)